A field is a way of explaining action at a
distance. Massive particles
attract each other. How do they do this, if they are not in contact with
each other? We say that massive particles produce gravitational fields.
A field is a condition in space that can be probed. Massive
particle are also the probes that detect a gravitational field. A
gravitational field exerts a force on massive particles. The magnitude of the
gravitational field produced by a massive object at a point
P is the gravitational force per unit mass it exerts on another massive
object located at that point. The direction of the gravitational field is
the direction of that force
The magnitude of the gravitational force near the surface of Earth is F = mg,
the gravitational field has magnitude F/m = g. Its direction is downward.
Charged particles attract or repel each other, even when not in contact with each other. We say that charged particles produce electric fields. Charged particles are also the probes that detect an electric field. An electric field exerts a force on charged particles. The magnitude of the electric field E produced by a charged particle at a point P is the electric force per unit positive charge it exerts on another charged particle located at that point. The direction of the electric field is the direction of that force on a positive charge. The actual force on a particle with charge q is given by F = qE. It points in the opposite direction of the electric field E for a negative charge.
In the presence of many other charges, a charge q is acted on by a net force F, which is the vector sum of the forces due to all the other charges. The electric field due to all the other charges at the position of the charge q is E = F/q, i.e. it is the vector sum of the electric fields produce by all the other charges. To measure the electric field E at a point P due to a collection of charges, we can bring a small positive charge q to the point P and measure the force on this test charge. The test charge must be small, because it interacts with the other charges, and we want this interaction to be small. We divide the force on the test charge by the magnitude of the test charge to obtain the field.
Consider a
point charge Q located at the origin.
The force on a test charge q at position r is
F = (keQq/r2)
The electric field produced by Q is
E = F/q
= (keQ/r2)
If Q is
positive, then the electric field points radially away from the charge.
The electric field decreases with
distance as 1/(distance)2.
Q is negative, then the electric field points radially towards the
The electric field decreases with distance as 1/(distance)2.
We obtain the electric field due to a collection of charges using the
principle of superposition.
E = E(Q1) + E(Q2) +
+ ... .
Field lines were introduced by Michael Faraday to help visualize the direction and magnitude of the electric field. The direction of the field at any point is given by the direction of a line tangent to the field line, while the magnitude of the field is given qualitatively by the density of field lines. The field lines converge at the position of a point charge. Near a point charge their density becomes very large. The magnitude of the field and the density of the field lines scale as the inverse of the distance squared.
Field lines start on positive charges and end on negative charges.
Rules for drawing field lines:
The field lines of an electric dipole,
i.e. a positive and a negative charge of equal magnitude, separated by a
distance d.
The electric field decreases
with distance as
1/(distance)3, much faster than the field of a point
The field lines of two positive charges of equal
magnitude separated by a
distance d.
The electric field decreases with distance as 1/(distance)2.
Polar molecules do not have a net charge, but the centers of the positive and negative charge do not coincide. Such molecules produce a dipole field and interact via the electrostatic force with their neighbors.
Every water molecule (H2O) consists
of one oxygen atom and
two hydrogen atoms. A water molecule has no net charge because the
number of positively charged protons equals the number of negatively
charged electrons in each atom. In the water molecule, each hydrogen
atom is bound to the oxygen atom by a covalent
bond. The hydrogen atom and the oxygen atom share an
electron, which has a slightly higher probability to be closer to the
oxygen atom than to the hydrogen atom. This results in a polar molecule, in which the
"side" of the molecule has a slight negative charge, while the hydrogen
"sides" have a slight positive charge. Because water is a polar
molecule it dissolves many inorganic and organic materials. Organisms
can build macromolecules to attract or repel water as needed simply by
varying the charge on side chains.
The figure on the right shows the electric field lines for a system of two point
(a) What are the relative magnitudes of the charges?
(b) What are the signs of the charges?
Please watch this video clip that helps you "see" the electric field!
Which of the diagrams below is not a valid field line diagram, and why?
Discuss this with your fellow students in the
discussion forum!
Review the rules for drawing electric field lines.
The electric field exists in 3-dimensional space. Below you can explore
3D drawings of the electric field lines of two charges.
Please click on the image!
You can change the
magnitude (arb. units), sign, and position (arb. units) of the each charge. You can use the mouse
to change your viewing angle and zoom in or out. To view field lines of
one charge only, choose zero for the magnitude of charge B.
Usually we try to visualize the magnitude and direction of the electric field by drawing field lines in a plane in two dimensions. For two or three charged spheres lying in a plane, we could draw the projections of the field lines onto this plane. But that would make it impossible to represent the exact direction of each line. We could also only draw field lines that lie in that plane. Then the directions of the drawn lines would be correct, but we would missing most of the lines, and the number of lines would not be proportional to the magnitude of the charge. So we make a hybrid 2D drawing. For the directions, we only choose field lines lying in the plane, but we scale the number of these lines up to the number we would get from a projection. Therefore, for charged spheres lying in a plane, the field strength in a 2D drawing is not proportional to the density of the field lines, but to the square of the density of the lines.
Even though charge is quantized, we often can treat it as being continuously distributed inside some volume, since one quantum of charge is a tiny amount of charge. On a macroscopic scale we define the volume charge density ρ = limΔV-->0(ΔQ/ΔV) as the charge per unit volume, the surface charge density σ = limΔA-->0(ΔQ/ΔA) as the charge per unit area, and the line charge density λ = limΔL-->0(ΔQ/ΔL) as the charge per unit length.
We then have for the electric field of a distribution of charges in a volume V
E(r) = [1/(4πε0)]∑iqi(r - ri)/|r - ri|3] --> [1/(4πε0)][∫v' dV' ρ(r')(r - r')/|r - r'|3.
Here (r - ri)/|r - ri| is the unit vector pointing from ri to r, and (r - r')/|r - r'| is a unit vector pointing from the volume element dV' at r' to r.
If the charge is distributed over a surface, then ρdV --> σdA, where σ is the surface charge density and dA is an element of surface area. For a line charge distribution we have ρdV --> λdl, where λ is the line charge density and dl is an element length.
Consider a line charge with line charge density λ = Q/2a that extends along the x-axis from x = -a to x = +a. Find the electric field on the y-axis.
Simulation: Electric Field Hockey
External link to other web material: The Physics Classroom: Static Electricity